July 1, 2008

This damn tooth.

How old were you when you lost your last baby tooth? That day when you realized that the tooth fairy would visit you one last time with a dollar to put under your pillow. I'm sure it was in your early teen years, maybe even before. Lucky bastard.
I'm sixteen years old, turning seventeen in a little more than four and a half months. And what do I have? One final baby tooth. One more. It's the canine tooth on my left side, and I've been trying to loosen it for years. I've finally made some progress. It's now physically moving more than the last few months. I seriously want it out as soon as possible. First of all, the permanent tooth is starting to grow in crooked because the little one is in its way. And I don't necessarily want braces at this point in my life. Second of all, I want to do it my damn self. I'll pass on the Novocain being injected into my gums, thanks.
This sucks. ]: Oh, and if I do get it out soon, there's a huge chance I'll be starting my junior year with a gap in my mouth. Thanks a lot, man. Thanks a lot. >[


Anonymous said...

Lmao... Sorry, I find that funny. That really does suck though. Lol... I don't know what else to say.

P.S. Thanks for commenting on my blog!

glitchx said...

Ha, it's cool. It is pretty funny when I'm not anguished over my undissolved root. XD

No problem. x]