July 1, 2008

For sale: soul in fair condition.

photo © phonearena.com Is there anything you'd sell your soul for? Maybe a car. Or a real social life. I've never really had things to be excited about. Sure, a lot of things have caught my eye, but I never considered doing whatever it took to obtain them. Yeah, well that changed. And it came with a vengeance.
I have never wanted something so badly. What do I want? I want a cell phone. To be specific, I want Verizon Wireless. Yeah, it's lame. Why would I possibly want a phone so damn much? It's not just a phone that I desire. I've decided that I would willingly sell my soul for a new LG Dare. I swear, I would. At first I really wanted a new enV². I wanted it more than anything in the world. Then last night I discovered the Dare, and that was it. The enV has been reduced to table scraps.

There are a couple things that are getting in the way of me possessing this beautiful device. It's quite sad.

  1. My mom owes 500$ for a Verizon landline phone bill from a couple years ago. We don't have the money to pay that bill, though we might be getting like five grand today from my dad getting temporarily jailed for child support. I asked my mom, and she basically said she has better things to do with the money (if we get it) than pay off that debt. Selfish.
  2. I have no money. She's supposed to get money from a settlement soon, which would make this reason and probably the first one completely irrelevant. Anyway, if I got the Dare I'd totally have to add on the VCast package for an extra fifteen a month. And I can't (or refuse) to get a job unless they build a bookstore in the new shopping center. I swear that better be what one of the buildings is for. D<

You know, I should put my Paypal button on here. But I won't because I'm sure I'll be the only person who reads this blog. Haa.

Plus, what kind of first post was this? I'm sure most personal blogs start out with a lengthy recap of the blogger's life. I thought about it, but I decided that I'll just have to space it out forever. Yay for suspense (yeah right).

Here's a fact: my paypal email is ficfags@hotmail.com
Edit- (Which totally doesn't matter now. Click the pretty paypal button on the sidebar. D;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
