July 8, 2008

Having no money fails.

Damn, I need money. I'm getting antsy as I wait for my mom's 5k check to come. I'm pretty sure that I'm only making my anxiety worse whenever I look at pictures/read reviews of the Dare. Anyway, I guess I can wait. Maybe not. I stole a Circuit City ad from my aunt's Sunday newspaper because it had a picture of the Dare on the front. I went around the house all, "LOOK AT THE PHONE I'M GETTING!" It's a pretty pathetic time right now.
Oh, so my iPod has proven that it deserves to be thrown into the Fox River sometime soon. When I got to my dad's on Friday, I went to listen to a song and it froze. IT FROZE. Sure it's frozen before a few times, but I've gone a relatively long time without. Damn. I hate when it freezes because I need to let the battery die before I can get it working again. And then I had it in my pocket and my aunt spilled some ice tea on me, so I had to hurry up and dry it off. I'm pretty sure it's fine now. The battery is handling itself fairly well right now, but I'm sure that the next time I turn it on, it'll be down half. Thanks Jobs.
I've been going through a very unhealthy obsession with Smosh lately. But it's cool. Or maybe not, because I feel like I'm going to end up stalking them eventually.

So anyway. I guess if anyone reads this-- I'm guessing no one does-- and happens to be feeling generous, there's a paypal button on the sidebar that's calling your name. You should silence it with the swift click of your mouse.

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